The way you do

By Clara


Summary: They were best friends long before they became lovers.

Disclaimer: They’re not mine.

Rating: G

Set:  Couple of years in the future

Spoilers: None

Category:  C/G established relationship

Archive: Working love archive and my site anywhere else, please ask first :)

Authors note: Inspired by ’98 degrees-The way you do’ I highly recommend it! Thank you again to Matti for beta-ing this, I’m pushing it now I know!!

Dedication: For Debbie, sorry hun but I like the older guy!


Sara had asked her once how she’d known that he was the one for her and it made her smile. There were so many little things that made up their relationship and she couldn’t imagine her life without him.  

There was a time after Eddie had destroyed her self confidence that she doubted that she would ever find someone who could match the passion she would feel for them and mirror it back at her. Now, she reflected on how fitting it was that he had been the one to help her pick up the pieces of Eddie’s betrayal and become the man she trusted most in her life.

They hadn’t rushed into a relationship. Catherine had know him for nearly 10 years before anything had happened between then, she didn’t think that there was anyone in the world who knew her better. He was her best friend long before they became lovers and that hadn’t changed.

Neither had asked the other out on a date or anything similar, they just seemed to fall into a relationship and it had suited them both fine. Catherine had never been more content or felt safer in her life and the change in Gil was evident to everyone that knew them.

She always felt closest to him on the nights when they just sat and talked until the sun came up, it sounded corny but it was then that he opened up to her the most and she got a glimpse of the real Gil Grissom.

How could she help but fall in love with him?

She smiled then as a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and his lips brushed her ear softly making her shiver.  Catherine turned in his embrace and wrapped her arms around his neck, letting his lips find hers in the dark.

There were a lot of things she could say about her relationship with Gil, but there was one thing she was sure of, she didn’t want to be anywhere else at that moment.