Stress Relief

By Clara, Rel, Coral, Charon, Ally, Bec and Becci


Feedback welcome.

Rating: R

Paramount owns all characters that appear in this fic.

Dedicated to all those who couldn't make it to Poole. We hope you can make it to the next get together


"Ow! Chakotay, that hurts!"

"Sorry! You're not very flexible, are you?"

"Not that flexible, no!"

"Maybe we should try a different position?"

"No! I want to try this one! Give me a hand, will you?"

"I'm afraid I'm going to hurt you if I push it up any further."

"Oh for god's sakes, just do it!"

"Okay, here goes, Captain."

"Look, when we're doing this, you can call me Kathryn."


"Ow, that hurts!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Oh god, I think it's stuck!

"It can't be stuck! Jiggle it about a bit..."

"Maybe we should get the Doctor?"

"No! Can you imagine what he'd say? We'd never live it down. Try pulling it back a bit."

"It won't move, it's totally stuck. We should have taken precautions to start with."

"Great! Why didn't you suggest that in the first place?"

"Well, I had other things on my mind... like that butterfly position. Never mind, relax, and we'll try it again."

"Chakotay, don't! Ow! That really, really hurt!"

"Well, it's either this or go to the Doctor."

"Oh, try pulling it again."

"Why did we try this in the first place?"

"We wanted to try something different. Besides, it's been a long time for both of us. I thought it might be fun to try it again. You didn't have to if you didn't want to."

"Kathryn, can I ever resist you? Look, please let's get the Doctor up here -- I promise, he won't breathe a word!"

"No! I absolutely refuse to let the Doctor see this!"

"It's hardly our fault. We followed the instructions and diagrams exactly."

"I suppose it's something they expect younger people to be doing more than people our age."

"Kathryn, why are you laughing?"

"I just saw the funny side. Imagine what people would think if they could hear this. Imagine what it might sound like."

"Yeah, they might think we were doing Yoga, as opposed to having sex."

"Well, it did start out as Yoga...."