Room 101
by Clara
Disclaimer: They’re not mine. The Song is Jamelias and is from her album drama. 
Paring: Sam/Donna, Josh/Donna, Sam/Mallory
I'm dedicating this to Charon on the JCUKjnr list as she listened when I phoned her in tears last night 
despite the fact that she was busy.


I don't think its right
But my feelings are out of sight
When I see you when I hear you 
Never thought it could be this bad
But that was before I had
A taste of forbidden fruit 
I honestly think if Sam looks at me that way once more people are gonna realize something’s going on. 
Its the staff Christmas party and Josh has is arm around my waist while he talks to the president about 
Charlie and Zoey. 
Sams across the room with Mallory but keeps shouting me these smoldering looks, and I swear 
if anyone asked Either of us right now if something was going on, we wouldn't be able to lie. 
Now I don't know if I want to be
With you alone my baby loves me
I can't say no though I know it's wrong
When I hear you say hey girl 101. 
Oh, God. He and Mallory are coming over. Josh turns and greets them warmly and 
I'm just trying not to make eye contact with anyone. I risk a glance around the room
 and Gingers giving me a strange look. I think she knows. 
Is it wrong to get it
On with one another
Even though I've got another lover
Sneaking out the back door
Heading for room 101
I come alive every time we meet each other 
Get a vibe being undercover
Sneaking out the backdoor
For sure I'm heading for room 101
It would probably best if I stopped Ginger from being suspicious so I excuse myself 
from our group and head in her direction. She says she's going outside and silently I follow her. 
Then she asks out right. 
"Are you sleeping with Sam?" 
"Yes." Oh. Apparently in the last few minutes I've lost the ability to lie. 
She looks horrified. I think she's contemplating killing me. 
Now, he is none the wiser 'bout
Where I go and she 
Well, she doesn't know a thing
Unless you told her so
I don't want it to be this way
For the rest of my day
But for know it's okay
"Does Josh know?" Okay, that's kind of a dumb question. 
"Are you gonna tell him?"
Now I don't know if I wanna be
With you alone my baby loves me
I can't say no though I know it's wrong
When I hear you say hey girl 101. 
"Are you going to end it with Sam?" See, this is the question I always knew I could never answer. 
It's not like we don't know what we're doing is wrong 'cause really we do. It's just every time we say
 it's over we can never stick to it. 
Is it wrong to get it
On with one another
Even though I've got another lover
Sneaking out the back door
Heading for room 101
I come alive every time we meet each other 
Get a vibe being undercover
Sneaking out the backdoor
For sure I'm heading for room 101
Ginger is looking at me disapprovingly now. "What about Josh and Mallory?" 
"I love Josh and Sam loves Mallory, it's just we can't seem to stay away from each other." 
I know, it sounds lame but I really can't think clearly right now.
“What’s going on out here?” I whirl around to see Sam looking at me worriedly. Ginger just glares. 
Ginger looks back at me and says, “If you don’t end it I’ll tell him.” She then 
walks back into the party and I turn to look at Sam. 
“What now?” I don’t think either one of us in going like our options. 
Heading for room 101
You know where to go
It’s that little hideaway
That nobody knows
Only two got the key baby 
That’s you and me
Quick time open the door
I gotta be gone by four
And you’re my little secret
That’s how we’re gonna keep it for sure
You know the code
We mention 101
Turn your good guy switch on
To the D-low mode
“We have to tell them.” I look up startled. I know we’ve tried to end it before 
but can’t stay part but live without Josh? I don’t know if that’s something I’m willing 
to do. 
“And what? Stay here in D.C together? You know we can’t. You work for your 
girlfriends father. You hurt her then you probably won’t have a job anyway.” 
“Then I’ll go back to Gage and Whitney in New York. It’ll work out, I promise.” 
I can tell from his eyes he doesn’t believe that. This really is going to have to be the end, 
for real this time.
Now I don't know if I wanna be
With you alone my baby loves me
I can't say no though I know it's wrong
When I hear you say hey girl 101.
I kiss him on the cheek and walk back over to Josh who looks up at me and grins. 
Slipping his arm back around my waist and then turns back to Mallory and The President. 
I definitely made the right choice. 
Is it wrong to get it
On with one another
Even though I've got another lover
Sneaking out the back door
Heading for room 101
I come alive every time we meet each other 
Get a vibe being undercover
Sneaking out the backdoor
For sure I'm heading for room 101