Nothing like

by Clara


Disclaimer: Sam, Jack and Janet aren’t mine

Rating: G

Category: SJ Fluff

Summary: Janet sees a private moment

Author’s notes/dedication: For the wonderful Jadie who made sure I wasn’t abusing the English language too much here! 


Janet sat at the computer in her office, her eyes staring blearily at the screen, trying to make sense of the data in front of her.  Sighing she stood and walked over to the corner of her room, pouring herself a cup of coffee. She winced at the bitter taste but decided the stronger the better and headed into the infirmary.


She couldn’t help but stop and smile at the sight that greeted her. Colonel O’Neill lay on one of the beds while Sam Carter, his 2IC, sat beside him, her hand on his arm. They were talking in hushed tones, Janet got the feeling it was a moment that neither wished to be disturbed.


Sighing again she turned and went back into her office, shutting the door quietly, confident that neither had noticed her. Feeling slightly rejuvenated she sat back at her desk and went back to work. There’s nothing like the sight of true love to make you feel better.