Movie night
By Clara

Summary: Popcorn and movies
Disclaimer: They’re not mine
Archive: Area 52 and anywhere else that wants it
Category: Sam/Janet

Rating: NC-17
Authors notes: Thanks as always to Sugar who betaed even though she doesn’t watch SG1
Dedication: To Geonn, I did it, I did it!!

She’s not entirely sure how they reached this point. All she knows is that if Sam stops what she’s doing then she might just have to kill her.

Their mouths meet as Sam’s hand continues to move within her; as their passion grew Janet shifted slightly, giving Sam greater access. This wasn’t what she’d planned when she asked Sam over to watch a movie, but all she can think of is that she’s damn glad she did, before thinking became so overrated and she became content just to feel.

She tosses her head back and Sams head lowers to her neck, her hand circling and then touching her lover’s clit with the tip of her finger. But it’s enough and soon Janet feels like she’s falling, stars dancing behind closed eyelids.

They kiss softly and as Janet moves to return the favour, a thought repeats itself in her head. Thank god for movie night.