Don’t let go

By Clara


Disclaimer: They’re not mine

Info: 14th part of 20.

Year: 2025

Archive: My site, Working Love, ShipperWorld, Catherine Willows, Graveshift

Rating: PG

Category: CGR

Author’s notes: This started as answer to a challenge over at ‘Working Love’ and some how it turned into this! Thanks to Jo for the beta! None of the fics in this series will have a summary on them. I don’t want to give it away!!!

Dedication: To the wonderful Jo R. What would I do without ya? ;)



“How are you feeling?”


Catherine looked up in surprise as Gils’ voice sounded from the doorway. She’d thought he was still working on his case and hadn’t been expecting him back for a while.


“I’m ok, head’s sore though.”


“I can imagine.” Walking in, Gil sat down in the chair opposite of her and stared longingly at the coffee cup in her hand.


“You know there’s some in the pot.”


“Yeah, but it’s more fun stealing it from you.”


Rolling her eyes, she handed the cup over and started to pack away the paperwork she’d been working on.


“How come you’re not working in the lab?”


She shrugged and then smiled at him. “Coffee’s here.”




Catherine watched him drain the rest of the cup and then stretched slightly as she stood up, suddenly feeling tired. She hadn’t gotten much sleep since the whole attack had happened, not having liked being alone. Warrick had offered to sleep on her couch, but despite admitting her weakness to him, it had still seemed a little too personnel.


“You want a lift home?”  For the 2nd time that night he made her jump and she realised she must have been thinking too hard again.


Shaking her head she gave him a smile and glanced at the door. “No thanks, I think now it’s all over I’ll be fine.”


He nodded and looked down at the empty cup in his hands, tilting it from side to side. “Call if you need me?”


“You know it…. Night Gil.”


“Night Catherine.” He stood up and washed out the cup before heading back to his office, content that if she needed him, she’d find him. She always did.



~So I'm leaning on you now into the night, don’t let go. ~

Don’t let go- David Sneddon