This woman needs

By Clara


Disclaimer: They’re not mine

Info: 11th part of 20.

Year: 2025

Archive: My site, Working Love, ShipperWorld, Catherine Willows, Graveshift

Rating: PG

Category: CGR

Author’s notes: This started as answer to a challenge over at ‘Working Love’ and some how it turned into this! Thanks to Jo for the beta! None of the fics in this series will have a summary on them. I don’t want to give it away!!!

Dedication: To the wonderful Jo R. What would I do without ya? ;)



She glanced back at him and smiled softly before taking a deep breath and pulling out the draw.


Quickly, she collected the DNA, before looking down at Holly’s body one more time, “I’m sorry.” She whispered before pushing the draw containing her friend’s body back into its refrigerator and running from the room, no longer being able to keep the grief at bay.


Closing the door behind her, she leaned back against it and a hand flew to her mouth as her eyes closed.


She didn’t jump when he pulled her to him, his arms wrapping around her as she let out a shuddering breath. She needed him then.


“It’s not fair Gil.” His chin rested on top of her head as he silently offered her comfort.


No it wasn’t fair. It had been Holly’s first night and she certainly hadn’t deserved what had happened to her and Catherine didn’t deserve the guilt she was placing on herself now.


“We’ll get him Cath.” He felt her nod as she pulled back and smiled at him before wiping a couple of tears from her face. He sighed and looked at her critically. “You gonna be alright?”


She nodded again and gave him a half smile, “I’ll be fine.”


Slowly they started walking towards the DNA lap together and what they both hoped was the answer to their questions.



~ 'Cause this woman needs, a safe place to land. The strength in your hands. To know you know, what this woman needs ~

This woman needs- Shedaisy