By Clara
Disclaimer: They’re not mine
Summary: Darkness falls...
Archive: Just let me know
Rating: PG
Category: Willow/Oz angst
Author’s notes: Written for the end of the world challenge over at sunday100
Dedication: Thanks to Angelle for the beta!
It was the unbelievable pain that brought him back to consciousness.
He could feel Willow clutching hold of his hand, the panic rising with each passing minute.
He couldn’t think of the right words to share; he doubted that there were any.
It seemed unnaturally quiet, despite the chaos going on around them and he pulled Willow closer, burying his head in her neck, as she wrapped her arms around him, letting out a shuddering breath.
Through it all, he couldn’t help but think if he was facing the end of the world, he was glad it was with her.