By Clara
Summary: Across a smokey bar
Disclaimer: They�re not mine
Set: After �Somebody�s going to emergency, somebody�s going to jail�
A/N: I wrote Sam/Donna again! Am no longer a bad list mom ;)

He watches her from the bar and wonders why he feels this way.
She�s his best friend�s girl; he just doesn�t know it yet.
He can't help how he feels and berates himself for being so careless and falling for her.
"Hey Sam, what's taking so long?" she lays her hand on his shoulder and smiles across at him.
He shakes his head and smiles back. �Help me with these?� he gestures to the bottles of beer on the bar.
Donna grabs a couple of the bottles and his hand, pulling him back into the group.
He loves her.