Mirror, Mirror On The Wall�
By Clara
Summary: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the most annoying of them all?
Disclaimer: They're not mine
Category: Slightly J/D, Sam bashing
Rating PG

Author�s note: Prompted by a comment from Jojo about Sam and Donna being a couple and I quote �And Sam is too pretty for Donna! They'd have a competition to see who was prettier!� Slightly worried this is my first WW in over year...
Dedication: Jojo!!!
Some how when she�d invited Sam to stay at her apartment while his complex was being fumigated, this hadn�t been quite what she�d expected to happen.
Her bathroom had been completely taken over. There were bottles of lotion, body gel, special bubble bath, shampoo and conditioner� it was the strangest thing she�d seen in awhile. He swore he needed each and every item but Donna some how doubted it.
Sighing, she cleaned her teeth quickly and pinned her long hair up, before turning on the shower as hot as she could stand before dropping her towel and climbing in.
The water beat down on her and as she began to soap herself, Donna finally started to relax�until the banging on the bathroom door started.
�Donna? Are you nearly done in there?�
Her eyes snapped over and she ground her teeth together. This was the 4th morning in a row he�d done this, she didn�t know why she�d expected this morning to be any different.
�You�ll have to wait Sam!�
The moment ruined, she finished quickly before wrapping her hair in a towel and heading into her bedroom.
This was stupid. She didn�t care if he needed at least 2 hours in the bathroom each morning to �beautify� himself, it was her bathroom damn it!
Sitting down on the edge of her bed, she pulled the towel off her head and ran her hand through her hair before beginning to dry it and not the for the first time, she wondered what the hell had possessed her to let him stay.
Finishing up, she dressed quickly and applied her make-up, slipping on her shoes as she headed into the kitchen, cringing as the sound of Sam�s singing reached her ears.
That settled it, he had to go. If she made him leave that day he could stay at Josh�s for a couple of days and take over his bathroom, it wasn�t like he even remembered he had one half the time.
Picking up the phone, she began to dial in Josh�s home number before re thinking and punched in the number for his office. Donna almost smiled as she pictured him hunting under the piles of paper on his desk looking for the phone. �Josh Lyman.�
�Josh, Sam is coming to stay with you for a couple of days, I want my space back.�
�He�s really not. Last time he stayed with me he wouldn�t stop cleaning, no way Donna.�
�Josh... I�ll bring you coffee.�
Silence. Well, that had made him think.
�The proper kind? Not Margaret�s coffee?�
She smirked then. �Starbucks, anything you want� just let him come stay!�
�Ok and I�m definitely holding you to this.�
�Yes Josh.� She rolled her eyes �See you later.�
Doing a little dance, she heading for the bathroom and jiggled the handle, not surprised it wasn�t locked she took a deep breath and headed in, knocking on the shower door and crossing her arms. �Sam, you�re moving to Josh�s� have fun!�
With that, she walked back out and closed the door before grabbing her bag and leaving for Starbucks, grinning all the way.