After Tonight
by Clara
Disclaimer: They're not mine
Summary: Sam and Donna get to know each other better.
Spoilers: 20 Hours in LA
Categories: SDR
Authors notes: This is my first Sam/Donna fic. Written for the wonderful people at sam4donna.


Donna sighed and downed the rest of her glass of champagne. Josh had told her to stop drinking just before he'd gone off to flirt with Joey Lucas. It wasn't fair she'd concluded. Here she was all dressed up for him and the only time he'd paid any attention to her was when she'd been momentarily star struck by David Hasselhoff. Oh well, at the least the champagne was still flowing she thought as she set off in search of another glass.


He couldn't believe it. He hadn't seen or heard from Lisa since he'd joined the Bartlet's presidential campaign, yet there she was across the room hanging off the arm of her soap star fianc�e who he couldn't remember what show he was in let alone his name. Sam had always let people believe the reason Lisa had left him was the campaign in truth she'd left him at the alter for an actor and in Sams opinion, a bad one at that. So that's how he came to be sitting at a bar on his fourth whisky and still not feeling the least bit happy.

"Champagne please." Sam looked across at the leggy blonde and it took a moment for his blurred vision to clear long enough for him to see it was Donna.

"Hey Donnatella." She looked at Sam who looked about as bad as she felt. She smiled at the barman before accepting her drink and sitting down on the stool next to Sam.

"Only Josh is allowed to call me that." She chided softy and Sam didn't miss the sadness that he saw I her eyes when she said Josh's name. He watched as she took a gulp from her drink before asking "What's he done now?" And swallowing some of his own drink which he was now starting to feel a little giddy from after drinking all four drinks in such quick succession. Donna sighed again before answering.

"He's off flirting with Joey Lucas." She thought quickly that maybe telling Josh's best friend that she was upset by this was probably a bad idea but the thought disappeared quickly as she took another mouthful of champagne. Sam had now finished his and motioned for another and waited for Donna to continue. "I got all dressed up tonight and he didn't even notice.

He took a moment to take in Donnas appearance. She wore a simple black dress that reached her knees and contrasted nicely with her now slightly tanned alabaster skin. "Well in my opinion you look gorgeous." He smiled at her again before asking "Yu feel like dancing?"

Donna looked at him surprised. Sam had never been much of a dancer. The few dances he'd been forced into over that years balls had resulted in severe injury to his partners feet. No one ever danced with Sam Seaborn twice.

"No. I think I'll pass. But I do want ice cream. You wanna go find an ice cream parlor?" She downed the rest of her drink before standing up and swaying slightly. "Sure, why not." He to finished his drink and stood offering Donna his arm and together they left the party.


"...and then I just sorta... fell." Donna dissolved into giggles as Sam finished telling how he'd fallen off a boat while talking to a major player in the Democratic Party, who the Bartlet campaign had been desperate to get money out of. Which sufficed to say they didn't get.

"Okay Donna? It really wasn't THAT funny...Donna? Yeah, okay, fine. Have a laugh at my expense." Sam looked down at his half melted chocolate ice cream then chanced a look at Donnas face. Then he too started laughing. Once they'd calmed down Donna took a bite of her coconut ice cream and saw Sam staring at her. "What?"

Sam shook his head before replying, "Nothing. Come on it's after one, We've got to catch a plane in 2 hours." Both finished their ice cream before rising from the steps they were sat on and headed back in the direction of the hotel. "Sam?"


"Why were you so miserable tonight?" Sam took a deep breath before answering.

"My ex- fianc�e was there with her new guy and it just threw me a bit that's all." Donna stopped walking and turned looking him in the eye. "Lisa?" Sam just nodded. "That sucks. During the primaries when we all went to Wisconsin? I saw my ex with the girl he was cheating on me with."

"Doctor Freeride? Josh never mentioned it."

"I never told him. Both he and CJ had this protective thing already going on and they probably would have beaten him senseless...Not that I'd would have minded but it might have looked bad you know? Press secretary and Chief of staff of the Bartlet campaign attack un armed doctor." She finished with a little laugh and they continued to walk back to the hotel in silence until they reached the lobby where they found Josh waiting for them.

"Where the hell did you two go! I've been looking everywhere!" Donna rolled her eyes and walked strait past him heading for the desk where she grabbed her key card. "Sam and I went for ice cream." The two men followed her Into the elevator and Sam had to hold back a smirk as Josh carried on. "I was worried sick about you Donnatella, No one knew where you'd gone and Margaret made me promise to keep you out of the way of strange men!"

"Okay Josh? First your not my mother, second since you looked around and realized Sam was gone to then you should have been able to figure out I was with him and there for not with strange men and by the way, I know that's just you talking and not Margaret." Donna finished her little rant and stepped out of the elevator and stopped by her door. "Now, have you both packed?" Sam and Josh nodded sensing that assistant Donna was now in charge.

"I've just gotta shower and change my suit so I'm gonna go back to my room. I'll meet you guys in an hour in the lobby. See ya later." Sam walked into his room and then closed the door. He'd surprised him self by having such a great time with Donna and hoped that it wasn't just the alcohol talking and that maybe they could go out again when they got home. He smiled to himself and headed for the shower.

Mean while, Donna had discovered that when Josh said he had packed, he had in fact put all his clothes on the bed and left it for Donna to do, so instead of being able to shower like she wanted to, there she was having had to change quickly and now she was packing Josh's clothes which considering that they were there for under 24 hours, he had way to many of. While Josh continued to rant about her leaving the party until she snapped.

"For gods sake Josh! You were busy with Joey and you really don't need me to hold your hand for that! I was bored, Sam was bored and I wanted ice cream so we left. And now you can finish your own damn packing!" With that she walked out and slammed the door leaving Josh open mouthed while she headed for Sam's room.

Sam unlike Donna had had time to shower so when he heard a pounding on his door he answered in a towel. Seeing who it was he said instinctively, �What did he do now?�

�He�s being Josh.�
�Oh well that�s �cause he is�You know, Josh. Normally your pretty good at handling him.�
�Well, I�m a little tipsy which leads to a shortened temper and you saw how he was acting so I left.� Sam looked at her a moment longer before shaking his head.
�Well, I�m gonna go put some clothes on.� Donnas eyes widened for a second as she realized just what Sam was wearing and sat down on the bed.
�Yeah, you should probably do that.� She blushed slightly and tried to look anywhere but at Sam. He smiled again before grabbing some clothes and heading for the bathroom. When he cam out he found Donna watching CNN which was showing footage of the President entering Ted Marcus� house. Looking up she smiled and turned off the TV and stood up.
Sam grabbed his bag and they left the room in silence and headed for the lobby stopping at Donnas room on the way so that she could get her stuff as well. Sam subconsciously grabbed the bigger of Donnas two bags off her as they stepped out of the elevator where they found the rest of the senior staff along with Zoey and Charlie waiting for them.
Josh, as Sam had suspected he would be was glaring at him. He�d have to point out to him later that he and Donna were just friends and that Donnas loyalty was still to Josh. Slowly the group headed to the motorcade where the President was waiting for them. Usually most staffers wanted to ride with the President but tonight none felt that they could handle all the trivia about LA the President must know.
�Come on people, Leos starting to get lonely at the White House by himself!� The President shouted sarcastically. Grabbing CJ, Toby walked towards the Presidents car �If I have to suffer so do you.� He said as CJ groaned. Josh gave Sam another glare before climbing into the car after CJ and Toby closing the door behind him. While Donna, Sam, Zoey and Charlie headed for the second car.
The President spent most of the trip to the airport discussing the fundraiser with CJ and Toby while Josh was quite and CJ made a mental note to talk to him later and find out what was wrong.
The second car however, was a lot more cheerful with Sam and Donna still being a little tipsy and Donna retelling how she�d shouted at Josh while Sam, Charlie and Zoey just laughed.
After half an hour the motorcade reached the airport and the group climbed aboard Air Force One. Josh headed to the back of the plane and sat down on his own while the others huddled together and CJ started a game of poker while the President retired to his office to call Leo and the Vice President.


Josh was severely pissed. He�d spent the time between Joey telling him she with someone else to the end of the party searching for Donna and Sam until Toby said he�s seen them leave together arm in arm. He�d realized something while searching for Donna. He�d been terrified that she�d done something stupid considering how drunk she was and he had come to the realization that he�d be lost without her, not just on a professional level but a personal one to. Now all he had to do was figure out a way to tell her that he loved her.

As it got later the staff all fell asleep and before they knew it Charlie was going around waking them up to prepare for landing. Donna had fallen asleep with her head on Sams shoulder and his arm around her and as they disembarked she was pleased that he kept a hand on her back until they got to the car which would take them to the White House.
She smiled at him slightly at him as he helped her into the car and they sat down. Charlie and Zoey then got in and they sped off towards the White House. As Zoey and Charlie started getting into a debate about something neither Sam or Donna knew anything about he leaned over and whispered in her ear �Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?�
Smiling she nodded. �Pick me up at eight?�
�Sure.� They then sat back in silence and watched Zoey and Charlie banter till they reached the White House where they all went their separate ways with Sam giving Donna a hug and promising to see her that night.
She took her time walking back to the West Wing not really looking forward to facing Josh. Now that the alcohol had worn off she was quite embarrassed about shouting at him. The Presidents car had arrived first so it was a pretty safe bet that Josh was already in his office already, so Donna made every detour possible until she had no choice but to enter the West Wing.
Sure enough as soon as she sat down she heard �Donnatella Moss!�
Donna closed her eyes and tried to decide the best way to deal with Josh before making her way into his office. �Joshua how many times have I told you not to shout?�
Without looking up Josh asked �Can you see if the President has a spare minute today to go over the health bill?�
�Okay then.� Donna thought, �He�s gotta be pissed if he won�t talk to me.� Walking to the door she closed it then walked back over to his desk.
�Josh? I�m sorry I shouted at you I the hotel but you deserved it, so can you please at least try to e polite to me?�
�Donna I don�t have time for this, now can you please go see Mrs Landingham?� Fumeing, Donna didn�t even reply but opened the door and walked out slamming it behind her.
This was too much, she was tied and cranky and didn�t want to deal with Josh while he was like this so after going to see Mrs. Landingham who took one look at her and offered her a cookie, Donna headed for the communications pen to see if Ginger and Bonnie were free.
�Hey.� She said sitting down in a free chair. Ginger and Bonnie obviously saw what Mrs. Landingham had and abandoned what they were doing and sat down next to her.
�What�d he do?� Ginger asked the concern in her voice evident.
�While we were at the hotel he got annoyed with me and Sam for leaving the fundraiser early and he shouted at me about it so I shouted back and left the room and now he�s still acting pissed off and I kinda just over reacted and slammed his door.�
Ginger was the first to recover from her shock. �Well, I think your right to annoyed Josh didn�t have to shout t you just for leaving.�
Bonnie nodded in agreement �Just leave him for bit till he calms down and then he�ll realize that he�s out of line and apologize.�
Laughing at the idea of Josh apologizing, Donna replied �Josh has never apologized to someone unless he had to in his life, but it does give a nice mental image.�
�True but you can hope. Listen, Bonnie, Carol, Margaret and I are going out tonight, wanna join us?�
Donna shock her head �I can�t I have a date.�
�Okay for future reference this is the stuff we want to know! What�s his name?� Ginger smiled at the look of discomfort on Donnas face. �Oh come on who is he?�
�Whose who?� The girls looked up to see CJ standing there so Bonnie filled her in. �Donna�s about to tell us who her date tonight is.� Looking at Donnas face CJ realized who strait away.
�I�m going to take an educated guess and say�Sam?� Donna nodded and looked over at Ginger and Bonnie whose jaws had literally dropped.
Recovering a little Ginger turned to CJ �How did you know?�
Shrugging CJ replied �I saw them on the plane.� Before walking towards Toby�s office and closing the door.
Before she could be interrogated even more Donna made her excuses and headed back to her desk where she began typing up some of Joshs notes for his afternoon meetings.
The rest of the day went quickly and before she knew it Donna realized that she had an hour and a half until Sam picked she up and by the time she got home that would be reduced to 45 minutes so shouting to Josh she was leaving she quickly walked down the corridor before he could stop her.

Josh stood at the door to his office and stared in at the corridor Donna had just run down. He�d come out when he heard her yell but he hadn�t been quick enough to the door so she�d gone. Sighing he wondered back over to his desk and sat down. He�d been a real jackass to Donna that day and had badly wanted to apologize for his actions and now it was too late. He could go to her apartment but there were probably a hundred reasons why he shouldn�t, well, no not really, In actual fact he was a little scared of what Donna was gonna say to him.
On the other hand, he thought it was probably no worse than what she would say if he left it till tomorrow. Grabbing his jacket he turned off the lights and headed towards the parking lot.
As Donna predicted by the time she got home she had 45 minutes to get ready and now with only 30 minutes to go, she stood in front of her wardrobe with Olivia her room mate, trying to decide what to wear.
�I like the blue dress. It�s sexy.� Olivia said flopping down on to Donnas bed. �Plus I can put your hair in a French twist and it�ll look great.�
Frowning Donna looked over at her room mate. �You don�t think it�s a little over the top just for dinner.�
�Nope. It�ll be perfect. Do you know where he�d taking you?�
�I don�t have a clue but knowing Sam it�ll be somewhere up market.�
Olivia, who had met Sam, CJ and Josh on several occasions agreed. �Come on, if I�m gonna do your hair we�d better start now.�
Donna did as she was told and sat down on the floor in front of Olivia before beginning to speak. �You know Josh is still mad at me over leaving the party with Sam. He didn�t speak to me all day unless he had to.�
Rolling her eyes, Olivia replied �He�s just jealous because you�re showing a concern for someone other than him�and you stood up to him, that by the way, I�m proud of you for.� Smiling slightly Donna took a sip of the white wine which Olivia had poured out for her earlier and thought for a minute.
�What do I do about him?�
�Nothing for now. Forget about him, go out with Sam and have a good time.� Both women stood up when they heard a knock at the front door. �Sams early.�
Olivia made her way to the door while Donna hastily pulled on her dress but stopped when she heard her room mate say �Josh.� Her brow furrowed in confusion she finished dressing and walked out into the lunge where Josh was stood looking at his feet.
�Josh, what are you doing here?�
Looking up Josh holding out to her the yellow rose which he had picked up from a florist on his way from the White House to her apartment. �I came to apologise for acting like a complete jerk today� I guess I was just a bit jealous of you spending so much time over the last couple of days with Sam.�
Donna smiled slightly and took the rose from Josh and turning to Olivia �Could you put this in some water for me?� Taking the hint Olivia took the rose and went into the kitchen leaving Josh and Donna alone. �You know I am allowed to have friends other than you right? I don�t control who you see and you shouldn�t try to control who I see.�
Josh's head jerked up slightly and looked at her �Your seeing Sam?� Shrugging Donna sat down. �I might decide to, I�m going to dinner with him tonight and I like him.� Nodding slightly Josh indicated to the door.
�I should probably go, you need to finish getting ready.� He walked over the door and opened it before turning back to her �Hey, have a good time tonight.� Donna smiled at him again before he closed the door behind him and walked down the stairs and Donna went back to getting ready for her date with Sam.
Sam arrived 20 minutes after Josh left and Donna was ready and waiting. He took her to a small Italian restaurant near to where he lived where they enjoyed the food, wine and each others company before Sam gave Donna a lift home and they sat up talking and drinking coffee on her sofa. They talked about pretty much everything before the subject turned to Josh.
�He came to visit me earlier and apologized for the way he�s been acting and I told him I was going out with you tonight and he said he was okay about it.� Sam smiled and heaved a sigh of relief he really liked to Donna and would have hated it if his best friend were against the relationship, thank god he wasn�t.
Sam moved put his coffee cup down and moved closer to her and asked �So� It would probably be okay for me to kiss you?� Donna smiled slightly and leaned towards him
�I think so.� The kiss was soft and over far too soon for Donna so she leaned forward again and engaged him in another kiss, this one much more passionate than the last. After a few minutes they reluctantly pulled away from each other and Sam got up to leave.
�It�s pretty late and I haven�t slept since we were on the plane so I should get home.� Donna nodded slightly and opened the door for him.
�I�ll see you tomorrow.� Sam lightly brushed his lips against hers and before Donna could respond he was gone. Closing the door, she sank against it and closed her eyes before running into Olivia�s room and bouncing on the bed. �Olivia wake up!�
Rubbing her eyes Olivia sat up and turned on the light, �Donna, what are you doing in here?� Donna stopped bouncing on the bed and sat down with her feet curled under her.
�I had a great time tonight. We talked for hours and about 10 minutes ago he gave me the most amazing kiss!�
�Donna sweetie, I�m really happy for you but would it be possible for me to get exited about this at a time when it isn�t the middle of the night?�
Laughing Donna stood up before replying �Sure, I have to be up in three hours so I should get some sleep. I�ll give you all the details tomorrow.� Nodding Olivia turned the light off and lay back down again. �Now go away! I want to sleep.�
Closing the door Donna went into her own room and got ready for bed and set the alarm to go off at 6am that morning before getting into bed and shutting off the light. Donna went to sleep thinking that night thinking about Sam and what she hoped would be their future together.
The end.