Sleeping Majors
By Clara

Disclaimer: Not mine
Summary: It's Cassie's birthday and Jack's distracted
Rating: PG
Archive: Sure just let me know.

Authors notes: Started for Jo R's birthday and finally finished 3 weeks late! Thanks to Jojo for betaing.
Dedication: Jo. Glad you had a good birthday hun! *hugs*
There were several different ways this could end. None of which appealed to Jack in the slightest.

Sighing, he tried to signal to Teal'c that help was needed. But he either couldn't see him gesturing erratically or was making a point of ignoring him. Jack made a mental note to embarrass the Jaffa in unspeakable ways at a later date.

He'd been a little dubious about attending Cassie's eighteenth birthday party, but knew it was probably in his best interest since her mother WAS the one with the needles. Although he doubted Cassie really wanted him around to embarrass her in front of her newest boyfriend. Some how though, it had never occurred to him that he'd end up with a drunken Carter in his lap.

She'd sat down nearly twenty minutes before and wasn't showing any signs of wanting to move. Jack was just hoping General Hammond didn't make it to his side of the room until much later when this was all over and it became one of those situations he could laugh about.

Sighing again, Jack slid his arm around her back and attempted to shift her slightly, trying to regain the feeling in his legs.


"Hey, Jack!"

Daniel sat down next to him a grin plastered across his face. Jack did his best to glare over Carter's shoulder at Daniel. She was now leaning heavily against his chest and he had started to get the horrible feeling that she was going to fall asleep on him, which, in retrospect, wouldn't be too bad as it would at least mean she wouldn't be wiggling around so much.

"Daniel, wanna do me a favor and get Carter home?"

Daniel's grin widened and he took a swig from his beer bottle. " I don't know Jack, she's looking pretty happy where she is..."

"Daniel..." It came out as a growl which, apparently, didn't have the desired effect as Daniel began to chuckle

"Okay, okay, let me just go grab Teal'c and Jonas and say goodbye to Janet."

Before Jack could answer Daniel bounced off, leaving Jack with the distinct impression he had drunk more than he should have.

Faced with an increasingly sleepy Carter, Jack gave in against the pressure she was putting on his chest and slumped back into the couch, hoping that Daniel would come back with Teal'c and Jonas quickly because he was pretty damn sure he wasn't going to be able to sit up again without help.

He felt, more than heard, Sam sigh softly into his neck, having finally fallen asleep, her arms still wrapped around his shoulders and his arms around her waist. Yep, definitely a situation he didn't want the General walking past and seeing, especially not now he had started to become engrossed in just how cute she looked.

"Hey, Colonel, need some help?"

Jack looked up into the smiling eyes of Jonas and coughed, slightly embarrassed at getting caught staring at his 2IC, as if it didn't look bad enough already. "Yeah, think you could help me get Carter out to the car?"

The Kelownan nodded and continued to grin as Jack shook his head before diverting his attention back to the sleeping Major. "Carter, you gotta wake up now, we need to get going."

He felt her stir and jostled her slightly. "Come on, Major, I can't carry you to the car..." he teased her softly as her eyes began to open and she pulled back.

Jonas took his cue then and leaned forward, grabbed Sam's hand and pulled her to her feet. Jack stood quickly and shook his legs in an effort to get the blood pumping. He couldn't help but smile as a bleary eyed Carter swayed in front of him, still clutching Jonas' hand.

Reaching forward, he wrapped his arm around her waist and steered her towards the front door, considerably pleased when she let go of Jonas' hand as soon as he touched her.

Daniel and Teal'c came into view through the throng of people as they neared the front door and Sam managed to give them a half smile as Daniel opened the door and proceeded them through it, leaving Teal'c to shut it behind them.

Quietly, the five people made their way slowly along the street, looking for the spot where Jack had parked his truck earlier in the evening. "What did Frasier say about us leaving early?"

Daniel glanced back over his shoulder at Jack and smiled. "I think she was a little too busy with a doctor she met at that conference last month to really care."

Jack chuckled softly and reached a hand into his pocket, searching for his keys as they came to a halt by his car. Quickly he tossed them to Teal'c and glanced down at Carter, who was nearly asleep again.

As Daniel helped maneuver Sam into the car, Jack took another moment to remind himself that he would be able to laugh about this later.. no doubt while he mocked her mercilessly.

Finally in the car, sandwiched between Jonas and the dozing Sam, Jack let his arm rest across her shoulders and glanced down at her again. He allowed himself to think about the promise he'd made to himself after the Ba'al incident - two more years and he'd retire, and then he would be able to do something about the situation with the sleeping Major... and he could hardly wait.