The Kiss
By Clara

Summary: It started with a kiss...
Disclaimer: They�re not mine.
Set:  Pick a season, any season.
Rating: R
Category: CGR

Archive: Working Love and my site Anywhere else, please ask first.
Author�s notes: A different writing style to my usual but I thought I�d try it anyway. Thanks to Matti for beta-ing.
Dedication: Matti, as this is the 4th fic I�ve written tonight for her to beta.

The kiss starts out soft. Not too demanding and with just enough pressure to make it obvious the amount of passion he�s holding back.

His hand skims up your arm leaving goosebumps in its wake before tangling in your hair, bringing you closer and making the kiss just that bit more sweet.

You�re not surprised he�s good at this. You know the amount of passion that this man is capable of from watching him work a case, determined to solve it.

Feeling the need build within you, you let him push you backwards until you�re lying on the couch, his body hovering above and he�s telling you he doesn�t want to rush you.

You bring his lips back to yours and whisper that he�s not rushing anything and that you want this just as much as he does.

The kissing continues as you divulge each other of your clothes and you gasp as he enters you, the feeling of being whole overwhelms you and you can�t help but buck your hips and encourage him to move.

You reach the pinnacle first and it looks like fireworks are exploding behind your tightly closed eye lids and you welcome him when he follows moments later.

The kisses become softer then as you lay in each others arms. You�re surprised by the amount of love this man is showing you and can�t help the sigh that escapes your lips when he tells you he loves you. You return the sentiment before letting his mouth claim yours again.

You reconcile yourself to the fact that you probably won�t be moving anytime soon� not that that�s a bad thing.