Moving Forward
By Clara
Summary: He�d always been there
Rating: PG
Category: C/G Fluff
Set: Probably beginning of Season 2

Author�s Notes: This is dedicated to my Sugar. Not a lot of people on here know this but my engagement ended yesterday and I don�t think she has any idea how much the phone called helped! *hugs* love you Sugar :)
It was always him she called when things went wrong.
Always him who offered to come round with a chocolate fix, anything to make her smile again.
Catherine had lost count of the number of nights during her marriage when Eddie would storm out and Gil would dry her eyes and whisper promises that everything would work itself out. Nothing had ever happened between them, but that didn't mean she'd never thought about it.
She shook her head free of the memories and lifted the glass of champagne, staring at the bubbles fizzing gently on the surface. Earlier in the day she had not only closed a case but her divorce had become final and she wanted to celebrate, something he had told her they�d have to do properly.
She smiled at him as he sat opposite her and lifted the glass to her lips.
�So what now?�
She contemplated his question before meeting his eyes, �Now, we move forward.�
His eyes sparkled and he smiled back at her, fiddling with the stem of his glass before holding it up to the light. �To moving forward.�