Coffee On A First Date
By Clara

Summary: Starbucks is our friend
Disclaimer: They're not mine
Category: C/G
Authors notes: For the letter C in the alphabet challenge.. it seems coffee has now appeared at least once in every fandom I write for, is that bad?

Dedication: Lauri, who was uhh encouraging me on this. We authors have to stick together right? ;)

"Starbucks?" Catherine raised her eyebrow and smiled at the man standing in line beside her.

"You like coffee."

"Yes I do, but is Starbucks really the place for a first date?"

"Well the last time I went on a date I didn't pick well, this"


"I wanted you to have fun."

She placed a hand on his arm and leaned against him slightly. "Gil, I would have a good time wherever you'd chosen and coffee sounds good. Thank you." She smiled at him before stepping forward and giving their order to the cashier.

Gil handed over the money and they made their way to the end of the counter to wait for their coffee. "Well, how about dinner afterwards?"

Catherine looked at him over her shoulder, "Calamari?"

He spread his hands. "Whatever you want."

"I've already got what I want." she gave him a flirty smile and turned back, taking her drink from the server and walking towards the sofa at the back of the cafe, leaving a grinning Gil Grissom in her wake.