Born To Try
By Clara
Summary: It�s good to know she�s not alone.
Disclaimer: They�re not mine.
Rating: PG
Set: Mid 3rd I�d guess.

Spoilers: None
Category: Angst and Fluff all rolled into one. C/G friendship
Archive: Working love archive and my site anywhere else, please ask first :)
Authors note: Inspired by �Delta Goodrem-Born to try� Thanks to Matti for beta-ing.
Dedication: To Amanda, even if you are a G/S shipper! *hugs*

 She could feel the tears sliding down her face and cursed herself for not being stronger.
Cases involving children always got to her, hell they got to everyone. But she always imagined that it was her little girl involved and not a child she didn�t know a victim of circumstances or one of the more cold hearted members of society.
Hurriedly, she swiped at the tears on her face as she heard footsteps in the corridor, no doubt heading for the break room she was currently huddled in.
The door swung open and she was relieved to see Gil Grissom looking back at her, he knew when not to ask while anyone else would probably have pressed her for information on what had upset her. Although, when she thought about it, he was bound to know what was wrong.
Gil walked over the coffee pot and took an experimental sniff of the dark liquid, guessing that it was just about fit for human consumption he poured himself a cup and sat down in the seat opposite to Catherine.
He watched silently as she reined in her emotions and got herself under control, ready to work. He was still watching when she finally looked up, meeting his gaze for the first time since he�d entered the room and smiling slightly, nodding to let him know she okay.
Breaking eye contact, Gil looked down at his coffee before speaking again. �So I was thinking, we�ve both got some time off this weekend, figured I could take you and Lindsey to the zoo or something, if you�re interested.�
Catherine couldn�t help but grin at his embarrassment at asking her such a simple question. �We�d love to, Lindsey�s missed you recently� keeps asking after your bugs.�
He smirked and looked back at her, amused that with Catherine�s hate of all insects, Lindsey had still become so interested in them, he didn�t doubt for a second he was to blame.
�Well, there�s a whole room of them at the zoo, I�ll show her the best ones.� He didn�t miss the shudder that went though Catherine at that and allowed himself a moment of happiness that he had managed to distract her from their last case.
�And on that note, I should probably head home.� Standing, she made her way over to the door and opened it slightly before turning back to face him.
�Hey Grissom� thanks, I mean it.�
He nodded and smiled slightly, �See you Saturday.�
Smiling, Catherine closed the door behind her and headed home to spend time with her daughter.