By Clara
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and CSI aren't mine.
Summary: �I want you.�
Rating: NC-17
Archive: SJD, Helio 2 (SG1) and Working Love (CSI) All others please ask first.

Authors notes: This is my first drabble and I blame it entirely on LauraJo. Also this is my first nc17 so slightly nervous about posting it!!!
Pairings: Written with 2 pairings in mind, Sam/Jack for SG1 and Catherine/Grissom for CSI. So pick your favourite and go with it J
Dedication: Thanks to Jen and Jo for their �send now!� orders. (Now Jo, go watch CSI!!)
Their lips meet in anticipation.
�I want you.�
His words whispered against her shoulder followed by a gasp as he enters her.
He lowers his lips to the base of her neck and nibbles on the salty skin he finds there. She moans and he smiles slightly.
She clings to him as their movements become more erratic in the lead up to their finale and his lips find hers in the darkness.
She cries out and he wonders if it�s the sweetest sound he�s ever heard; he savours the thought briefly before following her over the edge.
�I love you.�