Bring Her Home
By Clara
Disclaimer: They�re not mine
Summary: A Willow/Tara what if...
Archive: Just let me know
Rating: PG

Category: Willow/Tara angst/character death
Author�s notes: Written for the end of the world challenge over at sunday100
Dedication: Thanks to Ash for the beta!

 The silence was deafening.

Tara wondered what she was going to do now. No one was coming near her, each wrapped up in their own grief and she couldn�t blame them for that.

The idea of never seeing Willow again was causing her to die inside. The ending had come too soon, so soon after they had gotten back on track.

The awareness that this death was so final wouldn�t leave her, no doubt that a mistake had been made.

She knew Willow�s death wouldn�t go unpunished; Buffy was out looking for Warren now.

But that wouldn�t bring her back.